Sep 18, 2023
Welcome to Weekly Whisper #119.
Scarcity as a motivator
A recent Tim Ferriss frequently re-posted tweet reminded me…again…about the scarcity and impermanence of our time and attention.
It was referencing a Tim Urban blog post that is stark, confronting and going by the comments has changed many perspectives.
The essence of it - and another reminder, because we need to be constantly reminded, that life is short and we MUST prioritise what’s important to us.
Tim Ferriss' Tweet:
Tim Urban Wait But Why Blog: Click the image to read the full blog.
We all know that life is short; we never know exactly what’s round the corner; we’re encouraged to live our best lives now; What’s stopping you? To what extent are you stopping you?
Your time and attention is limited. It’s a scarce resource because it will run out one day. And you won’t know which day. Confronting, morbid but true.
Do the thing
Give that gift
Say you're sorry
Write the song
Express the love
Take that chance
Ask the question again
Resolve the resentment
Put down the load for a while
Take a step towards that dream
Take another step towards overcoming that fear
Live the moment your future self will be thankful for
Fascinating additional read - Wait But Why - Life Is A Picture But You LIve in Pixel
Question of the week:
If this week was your last week on earth where would you put your attention and energy?
What would you clean up?
What would you leave alone?
Quote of the week:
There’s never enough time to do all the nothing that you want - Bill Watterson (Calvin and Hobbs)
Freedom Fridays Podcast Episode 77 Featuring David Sollars
In this episode, Pete chats to David Sollars who is a return guest also featured in episode #46.
The essence of their first conversation was Dave sharing his reflections on being provoked by something on the outside that caused him to give away his power, authority and choice.
Dave & Pete pick up the conversation nearly 2 years later to explore the journey so far and what, if any, progress has been made.
They take a deeper dive into how Dave has reclaimed his power, authority and choice and the work required to do so.
Working from the inside out Dave shares his journey of self-reflection and compassion and how he held the tension between endings and beginnings. Courageously he also shares what it’s like navigating the messy middle of the ‘neutral zone’ which is anything but neutral.
If you’re in the midst of a personal or professional transformation you don’t want to miss this one.
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That's all for this week. If you’ve been enjoying the Weekly Whispers please feel free to forward it to friends and anyone you think would benefit.
As always, email me at [email protected] to share your feedback or to let me know your thoughts.
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