#170 Get your Remind-Ears on

continuous improvement effective communication executive leadership freedom fridays podcast episode #89 featuring kim lancer leadership development team growth Oct 14, 2024
Close-up of a dog’s face being gently held by two hands, symbolising attentive listening. This image complements the theme of Weekly Whisper #170, focusing on "Remind-Ears" — the concept that leaders and teams often need reminders more than new lessons to unlock insights and growth.

Welcome to Weekly Whisper #170.

Get your Remind-Ears on

It’s thought that we need to be reminded more than we need to be taught.

Probably not true in every circumstance but certainly true in some.

For example, when I’m working with clients either running a strategic facilitation, a leadership program, a workshop on a particular topic or individual coaching a question I often ask is

“How much of the ‘content’ that we talked about was new to you?”

Most of the time the answer is some form of “I’ve come across it before or I’ve been exposed to it at a different organisation/function or we already new that was our biggest challenge”.

And whilst they may not have come across the way I talk about it or the angle I approach it from, generally speaking they’ve heard of, read about, already know about, or have been ‘taught’ the material previously.

The way I talk about it or the angle I approach it from often prompts the response “But it was a great reminder”.

So, it got me thinking about reminders or putting on our Remind-Ears.

It’s possible our Remind-Ears could make us better than the best teacher… if only we could access it at the right time, for the right reason, in front of the right person etc etc

It’s possible our Remind-Ears are the greatest source of insight for us.

It’s possible our Remind-Ears could help us with the problem right in front of us if we can find a way to listen.

So, what do you need to remind yourself about?

What’s the most important thing you can remind yourself about on a daily basis?

And if it’s not daily you’re in danger of it being drowned out but the abundance of info-noise out there.

So, what will you do to remind yourself today?

NEW EPISODE Freedom Fridays Episode 89
Unlocking Confidence: Overcoming Self-Doubt and Imposter Syndrome with Kim Lancer

In this episode, Pete welcomes Kim Lancer, a seasoned leadership development expert who’s fiercely passionate about building confidence and combating tall poppy syndrome. Kim is the CEO of Tall Poppies Leadership, an organisation dedicated to empowering individuals to stand out and embrace their full potential.

Tune in as Pete and Kim discuss:

Casting doubt on your self-doubt – Strategies to stop second-guessing yourself and step into your authentic confidence.
Care-frontational feedback – Kim’s unique take on delivering feedback with care and assertiveness.
Kevin & Benny, the inner dialogue personas of Kim and Pete – A humorous look at how internal narratives shape our self-confidence.
Unlocking your confidence and conquering imposter syndrome – Practical tips to help you navigate moments of self-doubt.
If you’re a leader, aspiring leader, or simply looking to boost your confidence in challenging situations, this conversation is packed with actionable advice and real-life stories. 



That's all for this week. If you’ve been enjoying the Weekly Whispers please feel free to forward it to friends and anyone you think would benefit.

As always, please send me an email at [email protected] to send me your feedback or to let me know your thoughts.





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