#180 A whispery or shouty year?

extraordinary you life lessons personal growth small wins year in review Dec 23, 2024
Blue cover image for Extraordinary Me 2025 goal planner, showcasing focus areas like fun, finances, wellbeing, purpose, relationships, adventure, family time, and love

Welcome to Weekly Whisper #180.

A whispery or shouty year?
What whisper shouted at you in 2024?

2024 has been a year unlike any other year for me.

It’s been full of twists and turns.

Some expected, some unexpected.

A normal year I hear you say!

I enjoy the thinking and creating process that each whisper requires (each whisper is my own thinking or take on something, and isn’t created by ai and each whisper takes a varied amount of time to complete).

I’ve had more feedback this year that several of the weekly whispers have resonated. I’m not sure what that’s telling me, but the whispers seem to be getting louder and louder.

Thank you to everyone that takes the opportunity to read, to skim, to ponder, to wonder, to miss some weeks but re-engage at a later point, and even to those that I never know take the time to read – I’m grateful and humbled that you let me in.

Kudos to those that take it somewhat personally – attempting to do what’s best for them and what’s important in their lives.

Not every whisper will turn into a shout, but one might. And if you keep reading and tuning in, I almost guarantee that one will at some point.

So, whilst the Weekly Whispers are free to read, they’re not cheap to produce and Season #5 will begin at some point in 2025.

I believe we tend to act and adjust our path based on what shouts at us not necessarily what whispers.

So, over to you – of the #180 Weekly Whispers I’ve produced which one shouted something to you?

What story resonated to the point you did something different?

What question disrupted your thinking and caused you to adjust your own path?

What quote piqued your interest?

What whisper did you hear as a shout this year?

My 4 loudest whispers for 2024:

🎯 We need to remember not necessarily be taught

🎯 I’ve got agency in most, if not all, situations

🎯 Our time here is short, do it now

🎯 Small steps accumulate and become a vote for the person you want to become

I do intend to take some of my own medicine and take break. I’ll be taking some time to recover and re-fresh before beginning anew in 2025.

It’s critical that we take some time for ourselves. Time to fill our own cup. Time to reflect on the good, the bad and the ugly of 2024.

Some questions to ponder:

⭐️ What little wins have you had this year?

⭐️ What progress did you make on what’s important to you?

⭐️ What were you immersed in that time passed quickly?

⭐️ What’s defined you this year?

⭐️ What brought you joy?

⭐️ What endings have been significant for you?

⭐️ How have you navigated the messy middle between endings and beginnings?

⭐️ What begun for you in 2024?

⭐️ What disappointments have helped you grow?

⭐️ What boundaries will you set for 2025?


The Extraordinary Me Goal Planner for 2025

The Extraordinary Me 2025 Goal Planner isn’t just about setting big goals - it’s about helping you reflect, take action, and stay aligned with what truly matters. It's designed to guide you through:

✅ Reflecting on your priorities and identifying what matters most

✅ Recognising the goals that align with your values and aspirations

✅ Breaking big dreams into achievable, meaningful steps

✅ Adapting your path as life evolves while celebrating progress along the way

In the whirlwind of daily life, it’s easy to lose sight of what’s truly important. Use this planner as your compass—revisit it regularly, track your wins, and adjust as your priorities shift.

That's all for 2024

A heartfelt thanks to you all for making it another memorable year. I wish you an amazing 2025: a year of purpose, progress, and possibility.

Let’s make it extraordinary!





21 Whispers has partnered with B1G1 and each sign up to our Weekly Whispers Newsletter will help break the poverty cycle by providing a day's secondary education to a child in Vietnam