
business mindset identity and change leadership lessons professional reflection self-employment insights Mar 17, 2025
Colourful paper crowns and confetti on a dark background celebrating 21 Whispers' 9th birthday and 9 years of leadership lessons and personal growth

21 Whispers is 9 years old this week.

We’re into our 10th decade of operations and inspiration.

Deep gratitude and humble thanks to the many that have joined us on the journey, whether it’s been a reason, a season or a lifetime.

Remember, when the student is ready the teacher will appear.

As a student, here are the 9 lessons I continue to learn...again and again and again:

1. Being self-employed is a lot less glamorous than Insta or TikTok would make out

The highlight reels of working for yourself - coffee shop meetings, flexible schedules working from the beach and the freedom to "be your own boss" – are far messier in reality. It can involve long hours with no one nudging you to clock off or on , the feast and famine of financial uncertainty, isolation and loneliness, and a constant balancing act between working in the business and on the business.

The rewards can be great, but they come with significant trade-offs.

2. It’s never too late for a career highlight

Last year I experienced a top 3 career highlight. After 25 years of working with multiple clients, 1000’s of leaders in numerous locations, doing an endless series of workshops, conferences, offsites and leadership programs, I had one of my most meaningful, fulfilling, and impactful career moments. Just goes to show there’s always space for a new chapter.

3. One of the biggest barriers to success in many organisations is exactly the same… to quote Walt Kelly “I’ve found the enemy and the enemy is us!”

Often, it's not market conditions, competitors, or external forces that hold organisations back—it’s their own internal dynamics. Resistance to change, fear of failure, and fixed and entrenched mindsets create barriers at least as great as any external threat.

Transformation usually happens from the inside out.

4. Most people are carrying more than weight

The burdens people carry—stress, self-doubt, grief, fear, insecurity - aren’t always visible. And in carrying those burdens – personal and professional ones – they get heavier and heavier over time.

Maybe there’s a time and a place to put some of them down for a while.

5. Working with people all day every day doesn’t necessarily counter loneliness

Being surrounded by people is not the same as feeling connected. So many people I work with don’t feel fully seen, heard or held.

6. You can have a lasting impact on people in a relatively short period of time

I can think of single conversations, provocative questions and pithy one-liner’s that provided unexpected insight that shifts someone’s perspective permanently.

I continue to learn, never to underestimate the power of brief but meaningful interactions.

7. Energy doesn’t lie

Words can be polished, actions rehearsed, behaviours controlled but the energy brought to the room tells the real story.

It’s one’s energy that communicates an authentic truth.

8. Being intentional in developing, growing, learning, and experimenting is a competitive advantage

For most, growth happens by accident or through many experiences. Those who intentionally and actively seek out learning, test and experiment with new approaches and embrace the growth in discomfort, stay ahead. It’s a unique competitive advantage that can’t be stolen or copied.

9. Change is as much about an identity shift as almost anything else

When people resist change, they’re often not resisting the new process or strategy—they’re struggling with what it means for their identity.

Whether it’s a promotion, a career pivot, or a major restructure the deeper work is often about letting go (or putting down for now) of who we think we are in order to become who we might be.


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21 Whispers has partnered with B1G1 and each sign up to our Weekly Whispers Newsletter will help break the poverty cycle by providing a day's secondary education to a child in Vietnam