Jun 28, 2021
Welcome to Weekly Whispers #22
Before I ask you about any whispers, I need your help with one of my 21st whispers.
Click the link below to share your thoughts – the good, the bad, and the ugly – about these Weekly Whispers. By clicking the link we’ll provide a month's worth of education to a child in need. It's super quick and anonymous so go on, do it for the kids. Do it now before you read on. Thanks.
What whisper did you hear from #21?
Have you had a 21st whisper in an area of your life?
Which quotes resonated with you?
Here's what’s struck me this week?
1. You don’t have to control your thoughts. You just have to stop letting them control you - Dan Millman
Often, I’ll ask coaching clients and participants in my programs “Do you believe your thoughts?”. It can create a little cognitive dissonance and send them into a brief trans-derivational search as they scan their mind for an answer to a question that’s probably never been considered or asked of them before!
I usually get a range of answers from “No, of course not” to “Sometimes” to “Well, why wouldn’t I?” And yet even answering the question suggests a hidden assumption – that you are NOT (only) your thoughts. To consider whether you believe your thoughts I wonder who’s doing the considering?
For me, it suggests that our thoughts are part of us but not the entire us.
Considering when our thoughts help or hinder us – whether taking action or making a decision or setting a goal – can be extremely beneficial in terms of knowing when to believe them.
2. How do you see yourself?
I found this video very confronting.
It’s staggering to me the difference between how we perceive our own features and how others perceive them.
I wonder why? What judgments are we making about our features that no one else can see? Is it because we ‘think’ we see what lies behind them – our frailties, imperfections, vulnerabilities and uniqueness? Our projection on to the world from the inside out could be very different to how it’s received.
It also reminded me of an old book called Psycho-Cybernetics written by a plastic surgeon called Maxwell Maltz. The essence of it being that our self-image – or at least perceived self-image – has a huge impact on what we believe we can achieve and how we engage with the outer world.
10 Lessons From “Psycho Cybernetics” By Maxwell Maltz
3. Quote of the week – The flower that blooms in adversity is the rarest and most beautiful – Mulan
Remember that the struggles you are facing today are building metaphorical muscle for another challenge tomorrow.
So, don’t hide from adversity. If it appears, welcome it knowing that it’s preparing you for something else.
4. Question of the week – Is my gratitude diluting my ambition?
It’s coming towards the end of the financial year here in Australia and I’ve been taking some time to reflect and be grateful for the previous year.
In comparison to many, I’m extremely grateful for many aspects of my life. It got me thinking whether my peace and gratitude for what I have was inadvertently causing me to take my foot off the gas? Is what I have now all that I want? I haven’t come to any conclusions yet as I’m still pondering.
What about you? Is your gratitude causing you to take your foot off the gas?
5. Freedom Fridays - Moving from I have to, to I choose to
My intention is to openly share a change I’m making within my life. I’m hoping you can take the lessons learnt and apply them to any change you want to make.
This week was predominantly about some ponderings as I reflect on the year that was.
Check out Episode #20.
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That’s all for this week and I hope you enjoyed Weekly Whisper #22.
Feedback is my fuel so if you haven't already, please give some feedback using the link below and to thank you we'll donate a month's education to a child in need.
21 Whispers has partnered with B1G1 and each sign up to our Weekly Whispers Newsletter will help break the poverty cycle by providing a day's secondary education to a child in Vietnam