May 16, 2022
Welcome to Weekly Whisper #54.
How do you position yourself as a learner?
A good buddy and I were chatting about a program we’ve been involved in, and he shared this question that he asked of the group. Like me, I’m sure you had a little trans derivational search going on trying to compute and understand the question!
For me, the question behind the question is ‘how important do you believe learning is as demonstrated by your behaviour and actions?’.
Almost everyone would state they like to learn and yet most of us learn by default. We learn because something happens to us or we learn when we encounter something new. What if you were to carve out a small percentage of your day and focus on building your learning capacity? What if you did it consistently? Where would you be a year from now? Do you learn by experience or from experience?
Life lesson with 2 lighters
I’ve seen a few different versions of this lesson but this one tickled me the most. Meet Catfish Cooley. Loved the snarling at the end 😊
The point is a great point to remember – no matter your circumstance sometimes you need a little help in life. Maybe you’re the one giving the help today but the one receiving tomorrow.
Question of the week: When you stop what you’re doing what do you hear?
Like many of us I’m prone to keeping myself busy. Sometimes ‘good’ busy and other times ‘distracted’ busy.
When I do stop – sometimes forced, sometimes by design – I can often catch my internal dialogue saying things like ‘what next’ or ‘what shall I get done now’ or ‘what else can I do’. I’m increasingly conscious that might not be the best approach to allowing my nervous system to relax and re-set!
How about you? When you stop what do you hear?
Quote of the week: "The only scarcity in life is time. The scarcity of anything else is merely a function of how you spend your time" Mark Manson
So how do you spend your time? Do you spend, invest, squander or forget time?
Rather than think of using the 1440 minutes you have every day, think of them as moments. Can you make any of those moments stand out? For yourself? For someone else?
Freedom Fridays Podcast episode #50
An exploration of what freedom means. Through a series of conversations with experts and leaders in their field, we explore some of the ways we can be free from whatever is holding us back. We’ll share some of the ingredients – easy, hard, and almost impossible.
The lessons are hiding in open sight within the conversation – it’s up to you how you apply them.
Episode #50 with Shane Michael Hatton
In episode #50 I chat with Shane Michael Hatton a speaker, author, trainer and coach who blends his experience in business and psychology to help leaders communicate, connect and collaborate more effectively in order to bring out the best in those they lead.
We have an in-depth conversation around personal rulebooks - the conscious and unconscious rules that we live our lives by. We take a deep dive into what business culture really is - how leaders define culture, how businesses are governed by their establishment of culture, and the possibilities of culture change.
Let me know if you're enjoying the new season of Freedom Fridays. Please send me an email if you have a recommendation for upcoming guests - [email protected].
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That's all for this week and I hope you enjoyed Weekly Whisper #54.
Feedback is my fuel so if you have any comments please send me an email at [email protected] and let me know your thoughts.
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