Aug 15, 2022Welcome to Weekly Whisper #67.
Everything feels hard when you start but...
I was told once that everything worth doing is worth doing badly until you get better at it.
I’ve been reflecting on some of the things I’m working on - personally and professionally - and it often feels difficult. Getting started is hard enough but keeping going feels really difficult sometimes. My expectations about the rate of progress are usually wildly unrealistic. I’ll regularly question whether it’s all worth it. “Who’ll notice anyway” or “I can get by without it” are some of my habitual responses. The repetition and application of the ‘just learnt skill/task or knowledge’ feels burdensome at times. With time, patience and discipline it does get better. However, that timeline can vary greatly. Therefore, often I stop before the end point. I stop at better. Not good or exceptional but just better. Occasionally, that serves me for whatever reason. However, stopping at better creates a gap between where I am and where I could be.
Without overwhelming myself, I’m wondering whether there’s one or two things that I could do to continue on from better? What would cause me to keep going despite feeling like I wasn’t making much progress?
How about you? Do you stop at better? Do you even start? What’s after better for you?
We must let go of the life we have planned, so as to accept the one that is waiting for us - Joseph Campbell
Flies in the face of everything about goal setting, visualisation, manifesting, vision boards etc. Or does it?
Sometimes luck plays a part. Remember the wisdom from my Mum? What’s fir ye winnae go past ye? Maybe she and Joseph are old buddies 😊
Maybe a different/better/worse life is what’s for us? I still believe in the old maxim – plans are useless but planning is critical. I think the distinction is not to hold on too tight to the plan or the planning. Holding our plans/planning lightly might help us see a better path as our lives can often only be seen as we walk, not necessarily from a standing position.
I’m sure, like me, there’s been times when your plans have been a lot less than what actually happened (acknowledging the opposite too).
In letting go we don’t need to forget. In accepting we can be ready and open to the window of opportunity that might appear. I wonder what’s waiting for you once you let go?
Question of the week:
Who's the first person you want to share good news with?
Whilst we were travelling as a family we’d often use these cards I was given as a gift from my kids (https://www.werenotreallystrangers.com/products/family-edition ).
This one jumped out at me this week because I’ve been hesitant to share any hint of good news with anyone until the ‘news’ is certain, permanent or locked in. I’m aware of the potential futility in my approach and I know I’m mainly trying to protect myself from disappointment and the possible shame I’d feel if the news didn’t turn out so good.
My re-frame is this – who’s the person you’d openly share some of the good moments with? Make it a task for today and go share it with them. You never know, it might just release some positive chemicals that will help in the celebrating or commiserating.
Quote of the week:
We say ‘peace of mind’ but really what we want is peace from mind – Naval Ravikant
Oh Yes. Whilst our minds can be exceptionally creative and help us through many scenarios it can also be our greatest critic.
When my mind is quiet I find myself at more peace, able to be more present and ironically able to be more creative. I’m now trying to focus on quietening my mind rather than trying to ignore.
What about you? How do you get peace from mind?
Did you miss last week's Freedom Fridays Podcast?
Catch up now before our next episode is released.
In episode #56, Pete's first solo episode in a while, Pete takes a look at the 3 steps required for intentional growth. If you and/or your team are looking to intentionally grow in a specific, deliberate, and visible way then this is the episode for you.
That's all for this week. I hope you enjoyed Weekly Whisper #67.
Feedback is my fuel so if you have any comments please send me an email at [email protected] and let me know your thoughts.
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