May 29, 2023
Welcome to Whisper #103.
Forget living your dream life, try living your dream slice
Not living your dream life? Not quite got everything lined up perfectly? Feel like you’re juggling too many things to consider it a dream?
Things are happening that are so far from ‘the dream’ that they’d be better categorised as nightmares? You wouldn’t be alone.
Certainly, for me and I’m sure for you, there are many events in our lives that detract from our sense of living the dream life.
Try this - instead of considering your entire life as the standard by which you’d consider it a dream what if you chunked it down to slices?
What if you considered living a dream month, week, day, hour or even minute?
Or a dream event? Or a dream conversation? Or a dream thought?
When you chunk your life into thin slices you might be pleasantly surprised to find quite a few dream slices are scattered around.
I’m not sure anyone lives the dream life all the time but if you were to add up all the dream slices it might be a fairly large chunk.
Practice – notice how many dream slices show up next week.
"Nothing pleases people more than to go on thinking what they have always thought, and at the same time imagine that they are thinking something new and daring; it combines the advantage of security and the delight of adventure” T.S. Eliot
So, how do you know what you were thinking yesterday isn’t the same as today? Some research suggests a significantly high percentage of our thinking is similar if not the same as yesterday… and the same will happen tomorrow. And again the next day.
That’s fine for a while but over time our thinking will get narrower and narrower.
Try some of these ‘what if’ prompts to open your mind to opposing thoughts:
What if everything you believe to be true turned out to be false? How would you approach life differently?
What if half of everything you believed to be true turned out to be better than you thought – which half would you choose?
What if your deepest fears and insecurities were the obstacles to finding your way – how might that change things?
What if you hadn’t failed but were failing – what small thing would you change immediately?
What if you hadn’t won yet but were winning – how would you know?
What’s the question you could ask yourself to which the answer would provide clarity and make everything else easier?
Question of the week:
When was the last time you thought something you’d never thought before and when was the first time you did something with it?
Hard to tell isn’t it given the huge some of daily thoughts we have?
Expose yourself to new, novel, different, unusual, and provocative things and you’ll have your mind expanded.
Quote of the week:
The mind is it’s own place and in itself can make a heaven of hell and a hell of heaven - John Milton
Hence the importance of your perception. Get some perspective or lose it.
What’s the opposite to how you interpret things?
Freedom Fridays Podcast, Episode 72 Featuring Calvin Chilchik
In Episode 72 Pete chats with Calvin Chilchik, Head of Club of United Business Sydney.
Moving from South Africa to Australia as a 14-year-old boy brought all sorts of challenges and Calvin shares how some of those experiences have shaped his life. Bouncing between a music career, university, retail stores, and now a business owner Calvin encourages us to ‘do the daunting stuff' and what it's taught him.
From triggers that shifted his identity, building belief in himself, to gratitude for the sacrifice his parents made in moving their family across the world, Pete and Calvin explore some of the challenges in owning and running a business; what it’s like to lead a team as an entrepreneur; believing in others; and overcoming the normal fears that show up when doing the daunting stuff.
That's all for this week. If you’ve been enjoying the Weekly Whispers please feel free to forward it to friends and anyone you think would benefit.
As always, email me at [email protected] to share your feedback or to let me know your thoughts.
21 Whispers has partnered with B1G1 and each sign up to our Weekly Whispers Newsletter will help break the poverty cycle by providing a day's secondary education to a child in Vietnam